We all know that legends will remain forever. With the uncountable achievements and unforgettable participations in thousands of recording sessions and hundreds of albums indifferent genres since the 70’s, Larry Carlton is truly a pillar in the music, especially the jazz industry. Having maintained a remarkable solo career over the past decades, what else could a Larry Carlton ask for?
If you have been able to read the story of how Marcus Miller became a part of the SIRE family, Larry Carlton’s will sound a little bit familiar to you. Our guys from Sire went to him to personally ask him if he could be a partner in offering quality guitars for a great price point to musicians.

He was shown five different guitars (prototypes) to begin with and he thought that those were wonderful.
His exact words would be, “It was unbelievable. These guitars play and sound wonderful!” So, he sent his guitars to SIRE team so they could completely get all the technical specs and reproduce them, having faith that the team would really make high-end professional playing guitars, and the twist comes, at a price point that everybody can afford.”

As a known guitar player, hailed as a Legend to many, what else could a Larry Carlton ask for? In an online interview with Joe Bonamassa (Live from Nerdville with Joe Bonamassa – Episode 33 – Larry Carlton – YouTube), he clearly talked about this. He said, “At this stage of my showed me the quality of the instruments that they could make, to my specs, the price they could make it, I thought this is cool. I want more guitar players that wanna play a 355 style or a Les Paul style that don’t have a lot money to have a quality instrument.” It is so heartwarming to learn that Carlton’s motivation has actually the players to “Experience the joy of music” that can initially be achieved by being able to play a guitar of their own that will not really break their banks.
Carlton is about make sure that these guys, let’s say, who wanna be like him will first be able to have the instruments to play to begin with more than making sure that the get his playing skills. Larry Carlton may leave a legacy because of his exceptional talent that may still be seem through his videos hundreds to thousands of years from now through the internet but it is another thing to live a legacy and be remembered for the compassion and love that he has for the present and succeeding generations of guitar players.

The birth of SIRE Larry Carlton line of guitars is the beginning. It simply shows that SIRE is with Larry Carlton in ensuring that not only him but many others will also be able to live their own legacies through music.